The important thing is for you to get the return code of the command. 对于您来说,重要的是获得该命令的返回代码。
By adding a simple function to display a message and exit with the appropriate return code as well as moving everything into a for loop, the script looks cleaner and is easier to understand. 这个脚本增加了一个简单的函数来显示一个消息并带适当的返回码退出,还把所有操作转移到一个for循环中,这使这个脚本看起来更干净、更容易理解了。
In the case of EXIT, we can return the operating system-dependent return code based on the error scenario. 通过使用EXIT,可以基于错误情况返回依赖于操作系统的返回代码。
For each ODBC function invoked, a special value known as a return code is returned to the calling application. 对于每个被调用的ODBC函数,都要向调用它的应用程序返回一个值,该值就是所谓的返回代码。
Again, the responsibility of checking this return code and taking appropriate action lies with the programmer. 再一次,检查这些返回代码和采取适当操作的工作将由程序员完成。
You can add an optional argument, a variable that holds the return code from the external program, such as0 for success, which provides a better mechanism for debugging. 您可以添加可选的参数,即保存从外部程序返回的代码的变量,比如表示成功的0,这为调试提供更好的机制。
That means the combination of those tools can still be used to capture information about any kind of DB2 event associated with a SQL code or a DB2 internal return code, not just lock timeouts. 这意味着,这些工具组合仍然可用于捕捉与SQL代码和DB2内部返回代码相关的任何DB2事件信息,而不仅仅是锁定超时信息。
Then you use the conditional if statement to check the return code of the command. 然后,您使用条件型if语句,以检查该命令的返回代码。
The variable "$?" provides the return code of the command recently invoked; in the example below, it provides the return code of the execution of the" ls "command. 变量“$?”提供最近所调用命令的返回码;在下面的示例中,它提供了执行“ls”命令的返回码。
In this scenario, the procedure completes successful execution and returns a return code of0 to the caller. 在这个场景中,过程成功执行并将0的返回码返回给调用者。
The return code will be0 if customization executes successfully. 如果定制执行成功,那么返回代码为0。
This action may be used by WebSphere MQ monitoring tools that detect the queue or media full condition prior to the application receiving the return code. WebSphereMQ监视工具可能采取此操作,此类工具会在应用程序检索到相应的返回代码前检测到队列或介质已满的情况。
Well, no& not if you consider that you can run the backup script through exec() or passthru(), then perform some behavior based on the return code. 不是这样的&您需要这样考虑,您可以通过exec()或passthru()运行备份脚本,然后根据返回代码执行一些行为。
As you can see, I also add a$ returnval variable that contains the return code. 如您所见,我还添加一个包含返回代码的$returnval变量。
The return code of the scripts will indicate if the chunk is allowed to continue in the flow, that is, going to the pipelines or is skipped. 脚本的返回代码会指示是否允许数据块继续位于流中,也就是说,是使它流向管道还是跳过它。
Inside each script, capture the return code of each line command 在每个脚本内,捕获每个行命令的返回码
Processing stops immediately when this statement is executed, and the procedure return code to the caller is the value of SQLERROR. 在执行该语句时处理将立即停止,而过程返回给调用者的代码是SQLERROR的值。
You can see in the above trace the-4499 return code. 从上面的跟踪中可以看到-4499这个返回代码。
Like exec(), it also returns the last line and makes the return code available. 它还像exec()一样返回最后一行,并使返回代码可用。
The return code is handed back to the wrapper, which hands it back to your code. 返回代码被传递回到包装器,后者再将其传递回到您自己的代码。
If the call to the interface returns a good return code, assume that the application is healthy. 如果对该接口的调用返回一个良好的返回码,则假定应用程序是健康的。
When a system call returns with an error, the non-zero return code is shown marked with Err# followed by the error number and an error code ( for example, ENOSPC). 当某个系统命令返回错误时,显示非零的返回码,显示形式是Err,后面跟着错误号和错误码(例如ENOSPC)。
Look for calls marked with# Err, indicating a non-zero return code, which you can look up in/ usr/ include/ sys/ errno. h. 应该寻找带Err标志的调用,这表示返回码非零,可以在/usr/include/sys/errno.h中查找返回码。
The interrupt handler function now has a return code of type irqreturn_t. 现在的中断处理函数的返回代码是一个irqreturnt类型。
That depends on the return code. 这要取决于返回代码。
This return code usually indicates some kind of error has occurred. 这个返回代码通常表明发生了某些错误。
Registration of performance counters failed. Return code [ 3]. 性能计数器注册失败。返回代码[3]。
For expected state changes, use a return code, sentinel, or special method that returns a status. 对于可预知的状态改变,使用返回代码、标记或者特定的方法返回状态值。
If an object method needs to report an error, then a return code should be used. 假如一个对象的方法需要报告一个错误,这时一个返回码需要用到。
If the stored procedure does not explicitly set a value for the return code, the return code is0. 如果存储过程没有显式设置返回代码的值,则返回代码为0。